css tips

(for avoiding a fight with your website)

Here I'm gonna list the basic rules I like to follow in order to keep my css understandable. I thought it might help people who get stuck fixing their layouts often.

1. avoid. margins. just. don't do them.

Unless you've tried it, margin seems to make sense at first: you add it to an element, and it gets spaced to the side.

DON'T let that fool you. Margins become a hell to manage very quick.

if you check it's code, you will see that my page probably never uses it. Here's why:

'but scarecat,' I hear you say 'how do I add spacing without margins????'

So here's a list of alternatives you can use:

2. don't do float layouts

this should go without saying lol. Float layouts were always kind of hacks, it requires a ton of very specific bizzare stuff (like clearfix and very precise sizes of your elements).

If you're wondering: 'why is the float element even there?', it's for a situation where you have an image (or a different widget / object), that you want to float to the side, while the text floats around it. If I didn't get lazy there should be an example here.

Of course, if you are going for the true 2000s retro experience, you can go with floats, I won't stop you.

If you don't care about that though, good alternatives to float layouts are, obviously, the flex and grid layouts. <3

3. quick and dirty mobile layout for grid based layouts

A very simple and short tip that might work (if your layout is simple enough and is using grid or flex).

Pretty much all you need to do is switch the layout of your main container to display: flex; with flex-direction: column;. This makes all of the grid elements go from top to bottom instead.

/* taken straight from my css */
@media (width < 480px) {
  .container {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

This should also work on flex layouts too. Also keep in mind you might need to put it on more than one container, in case they're nested

4. i will add more later okay? okay. thankz.